Email Status


Sometime during the evening of Thursday July 6, our email provider updated their software.  Unfortunately, that process was not clean.  We have seen many problems including:

  • Missing folders
  • Silent failure when sending email messages
  • Inability to send to outside email domains, including and C3N email addresses
  • Folders multiplying on their own

Until the problems are resolved and the platform is stable, we recommend the following:

  • Use Slack to communicate with DETech staff
  • If emailing DETech staff, use DETech gmail addresses linked here
  • Use DETech gmail accounts to send/receive work email
  • Avoid using your email account.  It is unreliable at present.
  • If you must use your email account, send with a “Delivery Receipt Request”
  • cc your account when sending messages from your DETech gmail account
  • Reach out to anyone that you emailed since the evening of July 6 and expected a response, but have not received one
  • Reach out to any frequent contacts (outside DETech) who may try to email you. The DETech website ( includes a short post about the problem and could be used as a reference.

If you have any questions/concerns (including help with your email account), please contact Dan.

As additional information becomes available, we will post it to this page.

Please know, we have contacted our email provider multiple times to report problems and request solutions.