Disaster and Emergency Management

Exercise Design, Delivery, and Evaluation

DETech exercises test plans and procedures in a controlled learning environment with realistic pressures for decision making and response. From tabletop to full-scale exercises, and from municipal to the federal level, our staff can adapt to your needs saving you time and money. They are well-versed in the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP), and include FEMA certified Master Exercise Practitioners.

DETech has provided exercise support to the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) since 2001. In that role, DETech staff provided:

  • exercise scenario design
  • exercise planning (e.g., SMART Objectives, exercise inject development, and exercise plans)
  • training
  • exercise evaluation
  • exercise control
  • administrative support

Other projects include management and support to: the National Level Exercise (NEL) 2008 (Umatilla Vignette to the Pacific Northwest Venue), the Homeland Security Regional Exercise Support Program, and the US Olympic Track and Field Trials.

Plan Development

DETech’s staff of experienced emergency managers and planners can develop plans or review existing plans for compliance with recognized planning standards and statutory/regulatory guidance. Plans are tailored to meet your needs, risks and assets.

Past work includes: county terrorism plans, a state-wide model municipal Emergency Operations Plan, hospital plans, health department plans, Continuity of Government plans, Joint Information Center/System planning templates, and additional CSEPP and HSEEP planning.

DETech can deliver site-specific/plan-specific training for your staff, volunteers, and policy makers to ensure understanding of the plans.

Demonstrated Successes

DETech designed and executed a full-scale, mass casualty exercise prior to the 2012 US Olympic Track & Field Trials on the University of Oregon campus in Eugene, Oregon. This exercise tested the Multi-Agency Coordination Center; city, county, and university emergency management agencies; and police, hospital, fire, and emergency medical services. More than 100 patients were airlifted using Oregon National Guard air assets (Blackhawks and Chinooks). This exercise was linked with the US Army National Guard’s annual exercise, Vigilant Guard.